Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Family Pictures
Okay so it's that time of year again... and I thought oh I can do this just quick. Okay so we have way too many kids to try and have me set up everything and my best friend shoot ( who is not a photographer). Not only did they all turn out pretty bad I decided that I did not like what my husband and I are wearing. We looked to formal and not like us. So needless to say I think this years Christmas card will have 4 individual shots of the kids or maybe all the outtakes from the many times I tried to take the 4 kids pictures all together. As a photographer the thing I hate the most is photographing my own kids, at least all together:)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The end of summer is upon us...

As we are approaching the end of summer I can not believe all that has happened since school got out last year! We added 2 new members to our family, Brecken has grown about 5 inches and Autumn seems just so grown up.
Autumn will be starting 3rd grade in just a couple of days! I can not even believe that I have a 3rd grader..I am getting old! She is not as excited to start school this year as she has been in the past, I think she is getting the idea that school is hard work. But I think she will enjoy her new teacher and one new student joining her class. (She has been with the same 13 kids since Kindergarten) She also got a new do for the school year she is pretty excited about, I think it made her look more like a teenager so I am a little sad.
She will also start dance, girl scouts and soccer in the next couple of weeks busy busy kid!
Brecken is getting so tall and talking so much! We are getting close to potty training but I wanted to wait until school started and we have a schedule in this house again. He has one more year before he will start school but I think he would gladly go at this point. He likes to play with other kids and really likes going to daycare one day a week just to get out of the house and away from babies:)
The babies are about 4 months now and growing like weeds. Hudson is weighing in at 15 lbs and Leighton is trailing at 13 lbs. They both giggle, smile and roll over! We will be getting official weights soon when we go to their 4 month check up.
Crist and I are looking forward to the end of the State Fair so at least on his days off he will be home. He has been at work, school and the State Fair as a reserve. I am keeping busy chasing kids and getting my photography business off the ground. I have a few weddings in the next couple of months and we are approaching Christmas card season so I will be pretty busy.
I hope everyone had a great summer!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It's been 3 months!

Okay so it has been 3 crazy months since the twins were born, and I feel like it has only been a couple weeks. That is until I saw a friends twins over the weekend and I realized how much mine have grown! They are sure getting big! Hudson figured out how to roll from his stomach to his back about 3 weeks ago and Leighton just accomplished this task two days ago! Both babies are smiling like crazy and cooing all the time. They are just a joy.
Autumn just got home from YMCA Camp St. Croix, she stayed for a whole week this year. With no problems, she could not get rid of me fast enough. They swam, did crafts, did some boating and ate bad food according to Autumn. Autumn will also be starting the 3rd grade this fall, it is only a few weeks away! Where did the summer go?
Brecken is well on his way to being quite tall I swear he is growing a inch everyday. He is also very talkative and enjoys the babies even if they take mom's attention away.
Crist started a new job with Walser Group and is really enjoying it, he will also be starting school on the 24th. So I will be a "single" mom until May when he graduates from Metro State as a Police Officer!! We are so excited this chapter in his life is drawing near a end.
Well I am off to tend to babies:)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Baptism Day

The babies were baptised on Sunday at St. John's in Vermillion. We just got a new priest so it was his very first ( and second) baptism at our church. The babies looked so cute in there outfits. We had a nice get together at my in-laws afterward to celebrate. It was so nice to see everyone. We are truly blessed with great family and friends. Thanks everyone for such a nice day.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Summer fun!

Well with summer in full swing we have been busy busy! The babies are doing good.. and getting big Leighton is now 8 lbs 9 oz and Hudson is 10 lbs 12 oz. They are growing like weeds, but I can not believe that Hudson is 2 pounds bigger than Leighton.
Autumn has been keeping busy this summer with art camp and playing outside in her pool. She will be attending girl scout camp and Y camp later in the summer.
Brecken is just busy as ever. He is learning new words everyday and growing so tall. I think he hit terrible twos, and is very curious especially when mom is busy with the babies.
This weekend is the babies baptism and we have family here from WI and TX. So we will be very busy for the next few days. I just hope the weather is nice on Sunday so we can have brunch outside and enjoy the summer weather!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
First Photo Shoot!

Today we had some fun taking pics of the new babies. It was fun and messy as all naked newborn shoots are. I think we all got a present from at least one baby. But they finally fell asleep and let us get a few shots of them together sleeping. They are doing very well and have their first check up tomorrow hopefully Leighton has gained enough weight. Well good night I better sleep while I can...3 hours until the next feeding.
Monday, May 18, 2009
At home at last!
Well, we made it though our first two nights at home! YEAH! The babies are doing really well and adjusting to our home very well. Brecken and Autumn are also enjoying all of us being at home together. Big brother Brecken sure loves the babies, he loves to hold and kiss them. Autumn has been a great help, she feeds and holds the babies to help out mom and dad. I am planing on doing some pictures of them later today if I stay feeling good. I have been doing really well and am healing and starting to feel much better. Thanks to everyone who has helped us in the last few days we really appreciate it!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Day Three

Well the babies are doing great. I can not believe it has been three days already. Leighton and Hudson are already showing their personalities. They love to be held and snuggle together as you can see.
Both of them went to the nursery last night so mom could get some well needed rest and although I did get a pretty good night sleep I am still really tired. They ran some more tests on me and found I was anemic and my hemoglobin is really low due to loss of blood during delivery. So as I type I am getting a blood transfusion to hopefully make me feel better and give me back some energy. I will try to get some more pictures up of the babies as soon as I am up to it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
They are here..
We were blessed with two healthy babies this afternoon.
Hudson Christopher
Born at 12:05 pm
6 lbs. 7oz
20 inches long
Leighton Ann
Born at 12:07
5 lbs. 3 oz
19 1/4 inches long
We are all doing well and will post pictures later. Thank you everyone for all the good wishes and prayers.
Hudson Christopher
Born at 12:05 pm
6 lbs. 7oz
20 inches long
Leighton Ann
Born at 12:07
5 lbs. 3 oz
19 1/4 inches long
We are all doing well and will post pictures later. Thank you everyone for all the good wishes and prayers.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Welcome to our crazy life....

Hi everyone I am just starting this blog to keep everyone posted on our family and the birth of our twins. We are only going to be a family of 4 for a few more hours and we are so anxious to meet our new additions. I will be going in to have a c-section at 11:30 am to deliver our Boy/Girl twins. I will update the blog with pictures, names and weights from the hospital when I have a chance. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers as we welcome our new additions to the family.
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