Well with summer in full swing we have been busy busy! The babies are doing good.. and getting big Leighton is now 8 lbs 9 oz and Hudson is 10 lbs 12 oz. They are growing like weeds, but I can not believe that Hudson is 2 pounds bigger than Leighton.
Autumn has been keeping busy this summer with art camp and playing outside in her pool. She will be attending girl scout camp and Y camp later in the summer.
Brecken is just busy as ever. He is learning new words everyday and growing so tall. I think he hit terrible twos, and is very curious especially when mom is busy with the babies.
This weekend is the babies baptism and we have family here from WI and TX. So we will be very busy for the next few days. I just hope the weather is nice on Sunday so we can have brunch outside and enjoy the summer weather!
Yay!!! Your kids are so adorable!