As we are approaching the end of summer I can not believe all that has happened since school got out last year! We added 2 new members to our family, Brecken has grown about 5 inches and Autumn seems just so grown up.
Autumn will be starting 3rd grade in just a couple of days! I can not even believe that I have a 3rd grader..I am getting old! She is not as excited to start school this year as she has been in the past, I think she is getting the idea that school is hard work. But I think she will enjoy her new teacher and one new student joining her class. (She has been with the same 13 kids since Kindergarten) She also got a new do for the school year she is pretty excited about, I think it made her look more like a teenager so I am a little sad.
She will also start dance, girl scouts and soccer in the next couple of weeks busy busy kid!
Brecken is getting so tall and talking so much! We are getting close to potty training but I wanted to wait until school started and we have a schedule in this house again. He has one more year before he will start school but I think he would gladly go at this point. He likes to play with other kids and really likes going to daycare one day a week just to get out of the house and away from babies:)
The babies are about 4 months now and growing like weeds. Hudson is weighing in at 15 lbs and Leighton is trailing at 13 lbs. They both giggle, smile and roll over! We will be getting official weights soon when we go to their 4 month check up.
Crist and I are looking forward to the end of the State Fair so at least on his days off he will be home. He has been at work, school and the State Fair as a reserve. I am keeping busy chasing kids and getting my photography business off the ground. I have a few weddings in the next couple of months and we are approaching Christmas card season so I will be pretty busy.
I hope everyone had a great summer!
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