We had a relaxing wonderful fourth of July. We didn't have any major plans other than to hang out with the little kids. Autumn spent the weekend with her dad, so we only had the little kids. We made a trip to the drive in with cousins to see Cars 2, swam at St. Mary's Point and hung out at Grandma and Grandma's. It was a great weekend!
Brecken loves the beach but I have to make him wear a life jacket because he is a little brave for me.
This was when Hudson finally got brave and got off my lap. He is not a huge fan of the beach. He doesn't like the sand on his hands and everywhere else for that matter. He likes to be clean. As you can see his sister loves it and covers herself in sand:)
This was the second time to the beach this week and he still didn't warm up to the idea for at least a hour. I love the beach so I am going to keep working on him...he will like eventually right?
The rest of the weekend was spent at the Farm. Grandpa even set up a tent for the kids to sleep in. Uncle Tom was kind enough to stay out there with them.

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and week! I know we did. Next time I will have to remember to use my camera when I bring it. These are all the pictures I took all weekend.